Perspective applied to the Christian Walk

I'm learning not to judge solely by my own perspective on a thing. It's probably a painfully obvious lesson, since it's so rudimentary in some ways, but my life and my faith walk often bring me back to the basics. So here I am again.

This morning I watched a YouTube video of an artist with no eyes, named Esref Armagan. In it the narrator says, " also involves our ability to understand space." I'm constantly reminding myself to draw what I see, and NOT to draw what I think I see. This remarkable man is able to draw space without the benefit of sight. I wonder if his perception is clarified by the lack of vision, so that in knowing space he isn't distracted by seeing it. I can't say.

My study this morning was in 1 Corinthians 10. In verse 24 it says, "Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor." The word good is an additional clarification, added into the text for my understanding, but without that word it's interesting: "Let no one seek his own, but that of his neighbor." I started thinking about my own perceptions compared to those of my neighbor. If I set up my easel in one spot and a fellow artist puts her easel next to mine, we may be looking at the same thing but we don't have the same view. My painting, if accurate, will be different from hers. If she asks for a critique and I walk over to her easel and start to analyze her work, without looking at it from her point of view, I could lead her astray. If all I bring is my point of view, my perception of what she needs to do in the painting, I will most likely take her way off course. It's not what I think I see, but seeing things from her point of view that will allow me to help her.

So it is in my Christian walk. I shouldn't step into someone's life and decide what's good for her based solely on my own point of view. I need to know the accurate truth, which necessitates taking the time to look from her viewpoint so that I might help her perceive reality clearly, and bringing to her the Truth from the Bible, which is always the right perspective. Thank God.



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